B-17 Flying Fortress: The Mighty 8th
乗組員の長所と短所を管理しなければならない 25 のシナリオで、パイロットとリーダーシップのスキルをテストします。これはあなたのチームであり、あなたの指揮下にあり、ミッションを完了して彼らを無事に帰国させるのがキャプテンとしてのあなたの仕事です。 占領下のヨーロッパ上空での危険な爆撃任務に従事する 10 人の乗組員の一員であることがどのようなものかご覧ください。さらに、ドイツ空軍パイロットの役割を引き受けて陣営を切り替えて「マイティ エイト」と戦うことができ、B-17 爆撃機のコードネームが「空飛ぶ要塞」である理由を直接知ることができます。
みんなのB-17 Flying Fortress: The Mighty 8thの評価・レビュー一覧
This game gives you the feeling as no other does. Many people play IL-2 Sturmovik to get the feeling of true dogfights and bombing. While this game is old, it still offers immaculate physics as well as the opportunity to control every aspect of the daily bombers life. Positions go from various gunner positions, the navigator, radio operator, bombardier, and even pilot. It doesn't quite stop there, as one can even take it a step further and control friendly/enemy fighter aircraft operating in the airspace with the B-17. You can step foot down on the runway as a bomber commander, or take it a step higher and take control of the entire bombing squadron. As the squadron leader, you can plan the missions (including loadout, select what bombers, and what point you wish to bomb on the map) and also be part of the mission inside of the leading bomber. This game gives me a feeling of excitement as I wait for my 1000 lb. General purpose bombs spill their way into Brest harbor, ruining enemy trading routes. I'm proud to have this in my library, and can honestly say I've put many hours well spent into this game.